9405 Bormet Drive, Suite 7, Mokena, IL 60448
Mokena | 815-727-6144
DuPage County | 630-852-9700 Oak Park | 708-848-3159
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Mokena Divorce and Family Law Attorneys
Lawyers For Spousal Support, Parenting Issues and High Conflict Matters In Will County and Cook County
When you are facing an avalanche of emotional, personal, and legal issues in your divorce or family law case, you need the assistance of a skilled attorney. At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., we understand the difficulties that you are dealing with, and we will provide you with the legal help you need, answering your questions and fighting for your rights throughout the legal process. No matter whether your case is simple, complex, amicable, or full of conflict, we will work to help you reach a positive resolution. Contact us today at 815-727-6144 to schedule a free consultation.

Complex Divorce Cases
If your divorce involves a great deal of conflict with your ex-spouse, you may struggle to understand how to overcome your differences and reach a resolution. Our attorneys can help you understand how adultery or infidelity affects your case, work with you to address concerns about parental alienation or addiction and mental health issues, and protect your safety in emergencies or situations involving stalking, harassment, or electronic monitoring.
High Asset Divorce
Your divorce is likely to be especially complex if you or your spouse earn a large income or own significant assets. We can help you divide high-value property such as business interests, real estate, or retirement accounts, and we will work to ensure that family-owned businesses are protected. We can also help you address concerns about how divorce will affect your taxes and work with you to uncover any hidden assets or income.
Family Law
Aside from divorce cases, you may need to address other family law issues related to your children or other relatives. For unmarried parents, we can help establish paternity, which will protect parental rights and ensure that children can receive financial support that will meet their needs. We can also assist with the adoption process, ensuring that you meet your legal requirements when adopting a child domestically, internationally, through an adoption agency, through DCFS, or as a stepparent.
Child Custody Conflicts
Whether parents are divorced, separated, or unmarried, they will need to determine how to share parental responsibility for their children, as well as how parenting time will be divided. Our attorneys can protect your rights and your relationship with your children as you work to reach an agreement on these issues. We can also ensure that child support obligations are calculated correctly and address concerns about parental relocation, stay at home parents, and fathers' rights.

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How You Can Have a Positive and Healthy Illinois DivorceJan 16, 2020Nobody gets married with the belief that their relationship will end in divorce. Even so, more than 20 percent of marriages end within the first five years of marriage, and nearly 48 percent of marriages end within 20 years. Any... |
3 Healthy Coping Strategies to Practice During Your Illinois DivorceDec 27, 2019Getting a divorce is one of the most stressful life events you can experience, second only to the death of a loved one. Divorce turns your entire life upside down, from your living situation to your financial situation and everything... |