9405 Bormet Drive, Suite 7, Mokena, IL 60448
Mokena | 815-727-6144
DuPage County | 630-852-9700 Oak Park | 708-848-3159
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Grundy County Divorce Attorneys
Lawyers for Family Law Disputes Serving Morris, Coal City and Verona
Are you facing the possibility of a divorce? Does the prospect of your marriage ending make you concerned about the future? If so, you are not alone. In fact, mental health professionals commonly rank divorce as one of the most stressful life events a person is likely to experience.
Fortunately, you do not need to face the divorce process alone. The skilled family lawyers at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. are equipped to help you manage the avalanche of spousal, parental, custodial, logistical, practical, financial, and legal considerations of your divorce. Our team has more than 95 years of combined family law experience, and we will work hard to ensure that your rights are fully protected along the way.
Money and Property Division
For some divorcing couples, financial concerns are the most challenging elements of their divorce. Determining who will get what can be extremely difficult, especially if you and your spouse have substantial wealth or complex investments. Our attorneys will help you analyze your financial situation and develop an approach for dividing your marital assets in a manner that is equitable and compliant with Illinois law. We will also work with you in determining if spousal support is necessary and appropriate. Our goal is to make sure that you have the resources you need to begin building a happier, healthier future.
Parental Responsibilities and Parenting Time
If you and your spouse have children, your divorce agreement will need to include provisions for the allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody), parenting time (visitation), and child support. With that in mind, the lawyers at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. will help you develop a parenting plan that serves the best interests of your children and protects your parental rights. If you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement amicably, we are prepared to take your case to court as well.
Representation in Complex Divorce Cases
At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., our attorneys realize that there are many factors that could create challenges during your divorce. We offer trusted guidance and skilled representation in matters such as:
- High-asset divorce;
- High-conflict divorce;
- Divorce over the age of 50;
- Divorce for stay-at-home mothers and fathers; and
- Same-sex divorce.
Family Law Counsel in Grundy County
In addition to divorce, the team at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. also handles a wide range of other family law concerns, including:
- Parentage and paternity;
- Fathers looking for increased parenting time and parental responsibilities;
- Visitation privileges for grandparents and other non-parent family members; and
- Adoption.
We have helped many clients throughout Grundy County obtain favorable outcomes in family law disputes, and we are ready to put our experience to work for you.
Schedule a Free Consultation Today
If you have questions about divorce or other matters of family law, contact our office to get the answers you need. Call 815-727-6144 for a free consultation and case review today. Our firm serves clients in Morris, Coal City, Carbon Hill, Verona, and the rest of Grundy County.