9405 Bormet Drive, Suite 7, Mokena, IL 60448
Mokena | 815-727-6144
DuPage County | 630-852-9700 Oak Park | 708-848-3159
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Markham Divorce Lawyers
Attorneys for Family Law Disputes and Divorces in Cook County
If you are considering divorcing your spouse, you probably have many concerns about what the divorce process will require and what the outcome of your divorce will be. At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., our compassionate attorneys understand that those getting divorced must manage the avalanche of parental, custodial, spousal, financial, logistical, legal, emotional, and personal issues facing them. This is no easy task. Fortunately, you do not have to face these divorce issues alone.
At our firm, we help divorcing couples throughout the region, including those with cases being handled at the Markham Courthouse. We provide trusted guidance and cost-effective representation in all types of divorce situations.
A Customized Approach
Getting divorced is already stressful enough, so the dedicated professionals at Wakenight & Associates, P.C., do everything they can to resolve divorce issues swiftly and effectively. We know that each client deserves a personalized approach to resolving their unique divorce issues. We help divorcing couples reach an agreement on matters such as:
- The division of marital property and debts;
- The allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody);
- Parenting time (visitation) schedules;
- Child support; and
- Spousal maintenance.
Our attorneys have over 95 years of family law experience between them. This allows us to successfully navigate divorces with complex concerns, including substantial wealth, real estate investments, business holdings, complex assets, and tax obligations. We are also experienced in successfully handling divorce cases involving spouses over age 50, same-sex couples, and stay-at-home parents.
A Settlement Could Save You Time and Money
The experienced divorce attorneys at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. know that many divorce cases end up in court, with the outcome left to a judge to decide. While litigation is sometimes necessary and impossible to avoid, the reality is that litigating a divorce can cost a great deal of time and money. Court costs, attorneys' fees, and other expenses can add up quickly, without any guarantee of a favorable outcome.
The good news is that a less expensive option may be available. If you and your spouse can work together civilly, our attorneys can help the two of you negotiate a settlement that resolves all of the issues relevant to your situation. By doing so, you can save time and money, as well as the stress and aggravation of courtroom proceedings. You will also have a greater degree of control over the outcome of your case. You and your spouse can develop settlement provisions that serve your best interests without compromising your rights. Our team will work with you to determine if a negotiated settlement is appropriate for your situation.
Family Law Attorneys in Cook County
The knowledgeable attorneys at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. have helped Markham and Cook County residents with family law concerns for nearly twenty years. In addition to our divorce practice, our firm handles family law issues including
- Establishing paternity for biological fathers;
- Other paternity concerns;
- Parentage actions;
- Requests for non-parent visitation privileges for grandparents, siblings, and stepparents; and
- Adoption proceedings including related adoptions, agency adoptions, and independent adoptions.
Call 815-727-6144 to Schedule a Free Consult Today
For help with your Illinois divorce or any other family-related legal matter, contact our office. Call 815-727-6144 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and case review. Our team serves clients in Markham, Cook County, and neighboring communities.