9405 Bormet Drive, Suite 7, Mokena, IL 60448
Mokena | 815-727-6144
DuPage County | 630-852-9700 Oak Park | 708-848-3159
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Kankakee County Divorce Lawyers
Attorneys for Family Law Disputes in Momence, Essex, and Bourbonnais
If you are facing the possibility of a divorce, it is understandable that you might be feeling confused, overwhelmed, and uncertain about the road ahead. A divorce is one of the most traumatic and stressful life events that a person is ever likely to experience. Fortunately, you do not have to face the challenges of divorce on your own. The skilled attorneys at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. are equipped to help you manage the avalanche of spousal, parental, custodial, logistical, financial, personal, emotional, and legal elements of your divorce.
With more than 95 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys have dedicated their careers to the practice of divorce and family law. We have the knowledge and tools to assist you in building the happier, healthier future that you deserve.
Helping You Weather the Storm
In any divorce, there are a number of issues that must be addressed. The lawyers at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. help clients in and around Kankakee County at every stage of the divorce process. We will work with you in overcoming whatever obstacles that may arise. Our team offers guidance and representation in a full range of divorce-related concerns, including:
- The division of marital property and debt;
- Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony;
- The allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody);
- Parenting time (visitation) schedules;
- Child support;
- High net-worth divorce;
- High-conflict divorce;
- Divorce involving stay-at-home parents;
- Divorce over age 50; and
- Same-sex divorce.
Depending on the circumstances of your case and your ability to communicate with your spouse, you might be able to reach a negotiated settlement. Our lawyers will facilitate your discussions to ensure that your agreement is fair and compliant with the applicable laws. If a settlement is not possible, our attorneys are prepared to protect your best interests through litigation as well.
Kankakee Family Lawyers
The lawyers at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. have been helping individuals and families throughout the region for nearly two decades. In addition to our divorce practice, we also handle many other family law matters, including:
- Paternity and parentage: We work with both mothers and fathers to establish legal parent-child relationships when parentage or paternity is in question;
- Fathers' rights: Our lawyers represent men looking to become more active in the lives of their children;
- Non-parent visitation: In appropriate situations, we help grandparents, stepparents, and siblings pursue visitation privileges with the children they care about; and
- Adoption: We handle all types of adoption cases, including stepparent adoptions, second parent adoptions, and agency adoptions.
Call 815-727-6144 Today
If you have additional questions about divorce or any other family-related legal matter, contact our office. Call 815-727-6144 for a free consultation and case review today. Our firm serves clients throughout Kankakee County and the surrounding areas.