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Tips for Dealing With a Combative Spouse During Your Illinois Divorce
Even if you and your ex are on the best of terms, your divorce will still probably involve at least a little bit of conflict or disagreement. For couples who did not end their marriage on great terms, the stress and complexity of the divorce can increase significantly, which can affect the entire family, including your children. In high conflict divorces, one spouse will typically want to end the marriage in an equitable and calm manner, while the other spouse may not only refuse to cooperate, but they may also make it their priority to wreak havoc through the entire process. It may seem like there is nothing you can do in situations like these, but there are some steps you can take to diffuse the situation. Here are a few tips that can be helpful when dealing with a toxic ex during your divorce:
Keep Records of Everything
Divorcing a spouse who has decided that his or her goal is to make your life difficult can be frustrating. Often, a spouse will do everything they can to get their way, including taking your words and twisting them around or even flat out lying about certain things. The best way to deal with this kind of behavior is to keep records of everything that you do throughout the divorce. Keep logs of all of your finances and even your communication with your spouse. Try not to do any talking unless it is through text or email, so you have a hard copy of what was said.
Try to Separate Your Emotions From Your Divorce as Much as You Can
A combative ex will often try to make your life even more difficult by attempting to manipulate your emotions and attacking you where they know you are weak. Though a divorce is an extremely personal event, it is important to try as hard as you can to take your emotions out of the mix. Remember that your ex is doing many of these things just to hurt you, but you can rise above their tactics and work to address issues as calmly and practically as possible.
Make the Terms of Your Parenting Plan as Specific as Possible
If your ex is difficult during a divorce, it is likely that their behavior will not change after the divorce is finalized. Things such as co-parenting may feel almost impossible, but you can help keep some of the conflict at bay by making the terms of your divorce decree as specific as you possibly can. If you have children, the terms of your parenting plan should also be spelled out clearly to avoid your ex trying to interpret the terms of the plan to their own benefit.
Hire a Will County Divorce Lawyer Who Has Experience With High-Conflict Divorces
A divorce involving a contentious spouse can leave you stressed out and exhausted. Though it may feel like there is no end in sight, hiring a skilled New Lenox, IL divorce attorney who has dealt with high-conflict divorces before can ensure that you take the necessary steps to end your marriage as smoothly as possible. At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., we understand how draining a high-conflict divorce can be. Our attorneys can help you stay on track with your divorce and provide you with advice on the best solutions for your family. Call our office today at 815-727-6144 to schedule a free consultation.